
Toneelmakerij tipt The UnDutchables (12+)

TIP: The UnDutchables, an ironic tragic comedy (12+).
De Toneelmakerij supports this project because we consider Yasha a remarkable creator.

United Ukrainian Theater presents the ironic tragic comedy The UnDutchables or Women on the verge of a nervous breakdow. The UnDutchables tells the story of three modern Ukrainian women – Annie, Diana and Maria, teacher, psychotherapist and playwright, who, due to various life circumstances, moved to the Netherlands.

Here they are trying to build a new life and integrate into Dutch culture and society. Like many other expats, they are facing many challenges; from the language barrier to changing careers at the age of 40. Relationships with Dutch men, unusual food, bureaucracy and rainy weather all stand in the way of happiness. To all of the above are added the usual problems of life: layoffs, children, adultery, stupid bosses – all this creates huge chaos in the lives of our heroines. But instead of despondency and despair, these ladies fight life circumstances in creative and funny ways, which allows viewers to look at everything with laughter. Having gone through adaptation in a new country, you find not only a new home but also a new self.

The performance is based on an adapted text from the playwright’s play Chaos by Mika Christian Mullila, as well as the experience of immigration and adaptation in a new country of the director and actresses of this project.

Stichting United Ukrainian Theatre

United Ukrainian Theatre it’s a group of Ukrainian professional theater makers which was organized by the Ukrainian theatre director Gudzenko Yasha. The group consists of four regular members Yasha and three other ukrainian actresses Alesia Andrushevska, Milena Kompaniiets, Оksana Borbat .

From 2022 United by a common misfortune, namely forced immigration due to the outbreak of war in Ukraine, these women united in order to continue to support each other and create theatrical projects in the Netherlands.


Friday april the 4th at 20 o’clock, get your tickets here

Saturday april the 5th at 20 o’clock, get your tickers here

Amsterdam Toneelmakerij Lauriergracht 99 -C


90 minutes


  • author and Director Yasha Gudzenko
  • actors Alesia Andrushevska, Oksana Borbat, Milena Kompaniiets
  • financial support Nederlands Letterenfonds
  • art Support Paulien Geerling , Marjolein van Bommel, Loes Nooij, Caspar van Gemund